🗝️Portal Keys

Portal keys are uniquely designed for each portal and can be used three times. Once the usage rights are exhausted, the keys disappear. Players can find these keys in chests located in abandoned facilities or significant monument areas on the game map. These locations encourage players to explore and obtain these valuable keys, enriching the gaming experience. Players can search for keys in mysterious and abandoned areas, delve into the depths of the game, and embark on thrilling adventures.

Terra Tesseract

  • Leading to Earth, rich in Diamond, Aluminum, and various other resources.

Galactica Gateway

  • Leading to Planet Galactica, rich in Calastite Ore and Titanium.

Astralium Archway

  • Access to Planet Astralium, known for Nebilium Crystals.

Cosmos Conduit

  • Portal to Planet Cosmos, abundant in Cosmo Genite Ore.

Plasmaron Passage

  • Entry to Planet Plasmaron, rich in Plasmaite Ore and Platinum.

Stellanium Station

  • Leading to Planet Stellanium, known for Stelliumite Crystals.

Gleamguard Gate

  • Access to Planet Gleamguard, featuring Reflectorium Ore and Diamonds.

Quantix Quasar

  • Portal to Planet Quantix, rich in Elemental Core Stones and Uranium.

Astraland Aperture

  • Entry to Planet Astraland, known for Astra Fibers and Quartz Crystals.

Bastioland Bridge

  • Leading to Planet Bastioland, abundant in Singularity Essence and Sapphires.

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