Planet Protector Helmet

Constructed from Elemental Core Stone, the Planet Protector Helmet provides superior protection and advanced elemental resistance. It offers excellent defense against both physical and elemental attacks.


Station NameNecessariesResultTimeNanoprint

Advanced Workbench

10 Elemental Core Stone + 50 Cloth + 1 Rope

1 Planet Protector Helmet

15 Second

Planet Protector Helmet Nanoprint


Station NameMax Repair CostCondition LossNanoprint

Repair Table

2 Elemental Core Stone + 10 Cloth


Planet Protector Helmet Nanoprint


Weight: 15


  • Projectile: 60

  • Melee: 75

  • Bite: 33

  • Radiation: 30

  • Explosion: 35

Last updated