Venator Universe
Venator Universe is a game developed with both on-chain and off-chain structures. At the start of the game, players spawn at a random location on the planet Earth. Players must gather minerals on the planet's surface to build their living areas and can engage in PvP battles with other players. If a player dies in the game, their items drop with their body. It is crucial for players to create a safe living area and place beds and sleeping bags to set respawn points after death.
Safe Zones
There are several safe zones in the game where players are protected from attacks. If a player attacks another player within a safe zone, the attacker is killed by the security forces in that area and punished. Players who attack others or their structures cannot enter safe zones for 15 minutes. Safe zones allow players to perform certain recycling or crafting tasks safely. However, resources in safe zones are limited, and each player is expected to build and protect their own living area.
Building and Maintenance
Players can set up station workbenches in their constructed living areas to produce equipment and weapons. Since every structure decays over time, players must continually allocate resources to keep their buildings safe. Any structure can be destroyed by others. To prevent other players from building in their area and to protect their zone, players need to set up a Zone Holder. This allows the player to stockpile the necessary resources to prevent their structures from decaying and restricts building within a 30-meter radius.
Raiding and Portals
Players can raid rare and NPC-guarded areas on the map to obtain valuable items. Bases guarded by NPCs may contain more valuable chests and materials. Using rare portal keys, players can access portals that appear randomly on the map. These portals allow players to enter Dungeons, where they can participate in challenging quests and adventures. Dungeons contain rare minerals and resources that players can use to make their structures more secure and upgrade their character's armor with stronger alloys. Additionally, players can obtain rare items and VNT Tokens from these dungeons.
Survival Stats
As a survival game, players must manage their health, hunger, and thirst stats. If a player's hunger and thirst stats are depleted, their health will start to decrease, and they will die when their health points reach zero.
Wipe Cycles
To maintain the cyclical nature of the game, periodic resets of the game map, structures, and non-NFT or non-token player assets are conducted. Players can participate in a vote using VNT tokens to decide on the monthly reset of the game. In this player-driven mechanism, if a majority vote is achieved, the server undergoes a short maintenance period to incorporate new updates and then restarts. Following the reset, players can rejoin the game, starting fresh on the new map with updated content and renewed competition.
Planetary Exploration and the Space Station
The game features a total of 10 planets, with players starting on Earth. As players level up their characters, they gain the ability to travel to other planets. Each planet has its own unique environment, resources, and challenges. The Space Station is the central hub of the universe, where players can trade assets and participate in various events. Players can travel to other planets from the Space Station using their ships, but access to different planets is restricted based on the player's character level.
Dungeons and Rewards
Dungeon portals are present on every planet, allowing players to enter these challenging areas. From these portals, players can obtain rare items and VNT Tokens, which can be used to enhance their gameplay experience and improve their in-game assets.
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