VNT Token Contract Docs.

VenatorToken User Guide

General Information

  • Token Name: Venator Universe Token (VNT)

  • Initial Supply: 100,000,000 VNT

  • Symbol: VNT

Actions and Permissions

  1. pause:

    • Description: This action temporarily halts token transfers.

    • Permission: Can only be called by the contract owner.

    • Function: function pause() public onlyOwner

  2. unpause:

    • Description: This action resumes token transfers that have been paused.

    • Permission: Can only be called by the contract owner.

    • Function: function unpause() public onlyOwner

  3. mint:

    • Description: Creates new tokens and sends them to the specified address. The total supply must not exceed the initial supply cap.

    • Permission: Can only be called by the contract owner.

    • Function: function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner

    • Requirement: require(totalSupply() + amount <= INITIAL_SUPPLY, "Minting exceeds the initial supply cap.")

  4. banAddress:

    • Description: Bans a specified address. Banned addresses cannot transfer or receive tokens.

    • Permission: Can only be called by the contract owner.

    • Function: function banAddress(address addr) public onlyOwner

    • Event: event AddressBanned(address indexed bannedAddress)

  5. unbanAddress:

    • Description: Unbans a previously banned address.

    • Permission: Can only be called by the contract owner.

    • Function: function unbanAddress(address addr) public onlyOwner

    • Event: event AddressUnbanned(address indexed unbannedAddress)

  6. isBanned:

    • Description: Checks if a specified address is banned.

    • Permission: Can be called by anyone.

    • Function: function isBanned(address addr) public view returns (bool)

  7. approve:

    • Description: Grants permission to a specified address to spend a certain amount of tokens.

    • Permission: Can be called by any token holder.

    • Function: function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool)

    • Requirement: require(!bannedAddresses[msg.sender], "Approve from banned address") and require(!bannedAddresses[spender], "Approve to banned address")

  8. transfer:

    • Description: Transfers a specified amount of tokens from one address to another.

    • Permission: Can be called by any token holder.

    • Function: function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool)

    • Requirement: require(!bannedAddresses[msg.sender], "Transfer from banned address") and require(!bannedAddresses[to], "Transfer to banned address")

  9. transferFrom:

    • Description: Transfers a specified amount of tokens from one address to another on behalf of the token holder, provided the sender has been approved to spend the tokens.

    • Permission: Can be called by any token holder.

    • Function: function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool)

    • Requirement: require(!bannedAddresses[from], "Transfer from banned address") and require(!bannedAddresses[to], "Transfer to banned address")

  10. burn:

    • Description: Burns a specified amount of tokens, removing them from circulation.

    • Permission: Can be called by any token holder.

    • Function: function burn(uint256 amount) public override

  11. burnFrom:

    • Description: Burns a specified amount of tokens from a given address.

    • Permission: Can be called by any token holder.

    • Function: function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public override

Additional Information

  • Banned Addresses: The mapping(address => bool) private bannedAddresses variable stores banned addresses.

  • Ownership Transfer: The contract owner can transfer ownership to another address (transferOwnership).

Last updated