Iron Chestplate

Constructed from solid iron, this chestplate provides maximum protection for the torso. It is essential for warriors facing intense combat situations, offering a formidable defense against physical attacks. The chestplate is designed to distribute the weight evenly, reducing fatigue during prolonged battles.


Station NameNecessariesResultTimeNanoprint

Medium Workbench

30 Metal Fragment + 50 Cloth + 2 Rope

1 Iron Chestplate

15 Second

Iron Chestplate Nanoprint


Station NameMax Repair CostCondition LossNanoprint

Repair Table

6 Metal Fragment + 16 Cloth


Iron Chestplate Nanoprint


Weight: 10


  • Projectile: 40

  • Melee:50

  • Bite: 12

  • Radiation: 2

  • Explosion: 10

Last updated