Protector Greaves

These greaves are constructed from durable materials, providing protection for the legs while maintaining flexibility. They are designed to absorb shocks from impacts and reduce the risk of injury during combat. The greaves are also lightweight, allowing for quick movements and agility.


Station NameNecessariesResultTimeNanoprint

Small Workbench

15 Cloth + 20 Wood

1 Protector Greaves

15 Second

Protector Greaves Nanoprint


Station NameMax Repair CostCondition LossNanoprint

Repair Table

3 Cloth + 4 Wood


Protector Greaves Nanoprint


Weight: 3


  • Projectile: 18

  • Melee: 23

  • Bite: 6

  • Radiation: 0

  • Explosion: 5

Last updated