Iron Helmet

A heavy helmet forged from solid iron, offering excellent protection for the head. It is designed to withstand significant impacts in battle, ensuring the wearer’s safety. The helm also features a padded interior for comfort and to absorb shocks from blows.


Station NameNecessariesResultTimeNanoprint

Medium Workbench

10 Metal Fragment + 30 Cloth + 1 Rope

1 Iron Helmet

15 Second

Iron Helmet Nanoprint


Station NameMax Repair CostCondition LossNanoprint

Repair Table

2 Metal Fragment + 6 Cloth


Iron Helmet Nanoprint


Weight: 8


  • Projectile: 25

  • Melee: 40

  • Bite: 8

  • Radiation: 1

  • Explosion: 7

Last updated