Last Bastion Boots

Made from Singularity Essence, these boots offer exceptional protection and durability. They provide stability and support, making them suitable for various terrains and combat scenarios.


Station NameNecessariesResultTimeNanoprint

Advanced Workbench

5 Singularity Essence + 3 Rope + 1 Super Alloy

1 Last Bastion Boots

10 Second

Last Bastion Boots Nanoprint


Station NameMax Repair CostCondition LossNanoprint

Repair Table

1 Singularity Essence + 1 Rope


Last Bastion Boots Nanoprint


Weight: 10


  • Projectile: 50

  • Melee: 60

  • Bite: 40

  • Radiation: 35

  • Explosion: 33

Last updated