Gleaming Shield Helmet

Made from Reflectorium Ore, the Gleaming Shield Helmet offers superior protection and advanced reflective technologies. It provides excellent defense against both physical and energy-based attacks.


Station NameNecessariesResultTimeNanoprint

Advanced Workbench

10 Reflectorium Ore + 5 Rope + 5 Super Alloy

1 Gleaming Shield Helmet

15 Second

Gleaming Shield Helmet Nanoprint


Station NameMax Repair CostCondition LossNanoprint

Repair Table

2 Reflectorium Ore + 1 Rope + 1 Super Alloy


Gleaming Shield Helmet Nanoprint


Weight: 15


  • Projectile: 75

  • Melee: 90

  • Bite: 48

  • Radiation: 45

  • Explosion: 50

Last updated